Mexica conquests, Castilian conquests: Castilian and native textual structures in the historical section of the Codex Mendoza


  • Eduardo Henrique Gorobets Martins USP



After the conquest of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, the Mexica elites had to rethink their political role in the new society, which included rewriting their histories. One of the first colonial manuscripts containing Mexica histories was the Codex Mendoza, a document produced in 1541 by Mexica upon a request of Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Codex Mendoza’s first section and highlight how the genre of European chronicles was used to structure the alphabetic texts, which are interspersed with the pictorial texts of native origin. It is argued here that the pictorial texts were reduced to illustrations for the Castilian alphabetic texts which, in turn, describe a set of information very similar to what is found in Castilian chronicles. The arrangement of the Codex Mendoza’s history and its Castilian texts demonstrate that native peoples’ pre-Hispanic submission to the Mexica have been projected forward in time, aiming at forming part of the Castilian domains appropriated after the conquest of Mexico-Tenochtitlan and the creation of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Keywords: Mexica; codices; chronicle.


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How to Cite

Gorobets Martins, E. H. (2019). Mexica conquests, Castilian conquests: Castilian and native textual structures in the historical section of the Codex Mendoza. Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, (26), 9–35.