Nostalgia, expectations and temporalities in the song Esperando (when Cuba sea libre)
Abstract: Seeking to address Latin and Cuban themes and using urban and Caribbean sounds in her productions, Gloria Estefan was recognized in the cultural industries as one of the main references to discuss Latin American identification and representation in the United States. The aim of this work is to analyze the song Esperando (when Cuba sea libre), performed by Gloria Estefan, regarding the nostalgic feelings towards Cuba, the temporal articulations, and expectations mobilized in the phonogram. The song is considered to mobilize projections of the future and nostalgia as fundamental elements when constituting the identification associated with the singer and anti-Castro feelings, as well as integrating a representation of the American exile emotional communities in relation to Cuba. In this way, it is intended to perceive in the song a movement to evoke a certain spatiality and temporality associated with nationality.
Keywords: Gloria Estefan, Cuba, Song, Latin American Identifications, History of the Present Tense.
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