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A Present’s History: The Intellectual Discourse About the Past in Nexos and Vuelta in the Mexican Democratic Transition (1982-1992)


  • José Antônio Ferreira da Silva Júnior UNICAMP



Mexican democratic transition, Cultural Magazine, Intellectuals


This paper seeks to explore the discourses about the past in Nexos and Vuelta, the two largest cultural publications during the Mexican democratic transition, in the 1980s and 1990s. The intellectual groups gathered around these cultural magazines fostered discussions about their political present through historical themes and views on the Mexican past, which led to debates around the “official history” and the historiographic revision undertaken in Mexico in the last decades of the twentieth century. Taking intellectual history as a theoretical framework, the article analyzes texts by three renowned historians linked to those magazines: Héctor Aguilar Camín, Enrique Florescano and Enrique Krauze. Studying the relations between historical narratives and political projects in intellectual discourses, the paper emphasizes the use of history as a form of criticism of the Mexican political system, then dominated by the PRI.



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How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva Júnior, J. A. (2020). A Present’s History: The Intellectual Discourse About the Past in Nexos and Vuelta in the Mexican Democratic Transition (1982-1992). Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 20(29), 245–282.