- (Anti) feminism in the representations of virility in humorous illustrated press (Brazil and Argentina, 1904-1918)


  • Thaís Batista Rosa Moreira Universidade de São Paulo (USP)




Virility, Feminism, Press


This article aims to analyze a series of representations linked to what was understood as virility at the beginning of the 20th century. The period in question is a key moment in the history of the press: with the machinery becoming more and more modern and the circulation of news increasingly fluid, several periodicals are published in large urban centers. One of Belle Époque's most popular magazines was humorous illustrated magazine. For our comparative reflection, we will take as an example two journals of this kind: the magazine O Malho, Brazilian, and the magazine PBT, Argentine. The tonic of the publications, which are our primary sources, was that of satire and humor, through jokes, cartoons and chronicles that brought the news from the world of politics and culture. In this sense, the issue of female emancipation was one of the themes constantly articulated and mobilized by these magazines, whether demarcating an anti-feminist position or giving new meaning to the term "feminism".


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How to Cite

Batista Rosa Moreira, T. (2021). - (Anti) feminism in the representations of virility in humorous illustrated press (Brazil and Argentina, 1904-1918). Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 21(31), 257–292. https://doi.org/10.46752/anphlac.31.2021.3951