Radical abolitionism, anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism in the Cuban José Martí's historical interpretation:
the American Civil War and the political thought of North American abolitionists.
Transnational History; Intellectual History; Latin America and the United States.Abstract
In this essay, we develop a transnational approach to the historical interpretation of the Cuban José Martí on aspects of the History of the United States that are closely connected with the History of Mexico and the Caribbean Nations, mainly Cuba: the consequences of the American Civil War and the abolitionist struggle in the United States. We believe that this key is the most adequate to understand the correct meaning of the journalistic texts that this important intellectual and Cuban political leader wrote about the United States and about these two selected topics, in particular. In this essay, we carry out a reflection that dialogues with Latin American and American historiography and more recent research on the work of this intellectual to, finally, point out the perspectives of radical abolitionism and anti-colonialism directly in the position of José Martí during the 1880s. and 1890s of the 19th century.
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