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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Instructions to employees

  • ANPHLAC's Electronic Magazine is a semi-annual scientific dissemination vehicle aimed at publishing unpublished articles, reviews and historical documents. The history of Brazil, when contemplated, must be analyzed in a comparative / connected perspective, in relation to other regions of the Americas.
  • Articles that deal exclusively with Brazilian history will not be accepted for evaluation.
  • Only collaborations from professionals with a college degree with a minimum master's degree (a) will be accepted. All texts submitted will be submitted to members of the Advisory Council or ad hoc advisers for the issuance of an opinion.
  • The original must be sent typed in Word for Windows, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 space, A4 format. Articles and documents will have a minimum dimension of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 pages, including bibliography and notes.
  • Reviews will have a minimum size of 2 pages and a maximum of 5 pages. Reviews of Brazilian books published no more than two years ago will be accepted. In the case of foreign books, those published at most four years ago will be accepted.
  • Foreign language expressions, titles of works and passages of the text that the author wishes to highlight must be typed in italics, thus avoiding the use of bold.
  • The illustrations must be digitized in .jpg and sent in a separate file, indicating the insertion locations in the text. Note that they must have a title and source.
  • The title of the article must be in Arial 12, in bold and centralized. The title should not be capitalized. Subtitles must be written in Times New Roman 12, aligned to the left and in bold. Title and subtitle must be sent in Portuguese and English versions.
  • Then, an informative summary in Portuguese, with English or French versions of a maximum of 12 lines explaining the main subject of the article. After the abstracts, 3 keywords will be mentioned in Portuguese and 3 in English or French. 
  • In a supplementary file, the author's name must be placed followed by a footnote where the author's data must be mentioned in the following order: title, institution to which he / she is affiliated, title of the research in progress, funding agency (if if applicable), mailing address, home page (if you have one) and email. 


Bibliographic citations / references will be made in the body of the text itself, following the ABNT standard, containing the author's name followed by the publication date of the work and the page number, separated by commas, as follows: 



There is no doubt that the capacity to act is the most dangerous of all human skills and possibilities (ARENDT, 1972, p. 95). According to Revel (1998, p. 19), changing the analysis scale is essential for the definition of microhistory (...). 

Notes, always of an explanatory nature, can be placed in the footer and must be written in Times New Roman 10. Any notes in the text must be written in Times New Roman 10. 

Bibliographic references must be in alphabetical order with the highlights in italics, following the rules of ABNT 6023/2002, arranged as follows:

  1. A) Complete work

ARIÈS, Philippe. The time of history. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1989. BOSI, Alfredo (Org.). The contemporary Brazilian tale. 3. ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1978.

 AGUILAR CAMÍN, Héctor; MEYER, Lorenzo. In the shadow of the Mexican Revolution: Contemporary Mexican History, 1910-1989. Translation by Celso Mauro Paciornik. São Paulo: Publisher of the University of São Paulo, 2000.

  1. B) Chapter of work

DARNTON, Robert. History of reading. In: BURKE, P. (Org.). The writing of history. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 1992, p. 199-236.


  1. C) Magazine Articles

CHARTIER, Roger. The world as representation. Advanced Studies, São Paulo, Vol. 5, n. 11, p. 173-191, 1991. 1. D) Journal Articles (online) - electronic articles MALOFF, Joel. The internet and the value of "internetization". Information Science, Brasília, v. 26, n. 3, 1997. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 18 fev. 1998.

For other questions regarding technical standards, access other instructions in this electronic publication that is updated according to ABNT standards:

ALVES, Maria Bernardete Martins; ARRUDA, Susana Margareth. How to make references: bibliographic, electronic and other forms of documents. University Federal of Santa Catarina. University Library. Available at: <>. Accessed on: jul. 2003.

Transcripts with more than 3 lines should be separated from the text, without initial or final brackets, with Times New Roman 10, with a single space, with 4 cm of left margin and with a space of 1.5 before and after to separate the transcript from body of the text.


(…) It seems that in the year of 1493 in the war that I had the Catholic king in Naples with the king Carlos de Francia, who decides the big head, in this time don Cristóbal Colón came from the first discovery that I have seen from the Indians, who went to the island of Santo Domingo, and others, and dressed with some Indians and Indians, and took him to Naples from the city of Barcelona to the Catholic king who was there, and as there was peace among the Kings, communicating with the armies. Like the infested iban Indians and Indians, it was communicated between all Spanish and Italians, and other nationals that were all there, and all the people of the armies were infected (...) (CÁRDENAS, 1988, p. 230).

Articles that do not follow the specified rules will not be considered by the Editorial Board.

  1. E) Interviews:

1) For the publication of interviews that include interlocutors whose intellectual and academic trajectory as well as the topics covered bring contributions considered relevant and pertinent to the area of ​​History of the Americas and the Caribbean, the following instructions must be considered:

 2) The interviews must be sent in a textual form.

3) The Contribution must be original; there must be a match between title and content; clarity and objectivity in the questions and answers;

4) Data about the interviewee: brief text with data about the interviewee, containing information about the curriculum, including the institution to which he / she is affiliated, summarized scientific production, academic background, reasons that led the interviewer to interview him / her on the topic on the agenda

5) Size: between 10,000 and 18,000 characters (including spaces); composed of 4 to 15 questions 6) Image: must be accompanied by the interviewee's photo, which must be sent in an attached file (.jpg or .gif), with good resolution (over 100 KB) and with the interviewee's prior authorization. All texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

  1. F) Translations Criteria for publishing translations:

1) The texts sent can be documents, chapters of rare works, texts no longer edited, texts / documents written in inaccessible languages, which are extremely relevant for historical studies related to Latin America.

2) Those responsible for sending the text, must send the author's authorization for publication, when this is necessary.

3) The translators of the text are responsible for requesting and sending to the copyright magazine for publication, when necessary.

4) The translations will not be evaluated by peers, being their approval at the discretion of the editors of the number to which the text was sent.

5) Those responsible for sending the text, must send a bibliographical record of the original text and the data of the person wh



Política padrão de seção


1.Os textos enviados podem ser documentos, capítulos de obras raras, textos não mais editados, textos/documentos escritos em idiomas pouco acessíveis, que sejam de extrema relevância para os estudos históricos referentes à América Latina.

2. Os responsáveis pelo envio do texto, devem enviar a autorização do (a) autor (a) para publicação, quando isso se fizer necessário.

3. Os tradutores do texto ficam responsáveis pela solicitação e envio para a revista dos direitos autorais para a publicação do mesmo, quando isso se fizer necessário.

4. As traduções não serão avaliadas por pares, ficando sua aprovação à critério dos editores do número para o qual o texto foi enviado.

5. Os responsáveis pelo envio do texto, devem enviar uma ficha bibliográfica do texto original e os dados de quem fez a tradução

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.