Global intellectual search and hemispheric balancing acts: the international face of Brazil’s quest for national development in the Cold War


  • Rafael Ioris University of Denver



Even though during its so-called developmentalist period Brazilian leaders sought to actively engage with similar events taking place globally, the historiography on the period continues to be remarkably silent on these important intellectual and political connections. The present article seeks to address this analytical silence by offering a comparative assessment of development-related reflections taking place in Brazil as well as in other parts of the emergent world in the aftermath of World War II. The piece also examines how the Brazilian government promoted its developmental goals by engaging in innovative foreign policy projects (e.g. Operation Pan-America) as a way to demonstrate the convergence between domestic developmental ideas and the country’s main international diplomatic actions.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ioris, University of Denver

Associate Professor of Latin American History


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How to Cite

Ioris, R. (2017). Global intellectual search and hemispheric balancing acts: the international face of Brazil’s quest for national development in the Cold War. Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, (22), 296–326.