Between salons and banquets

intercontinental experiences of female diplomacy (1850 - 1917)




diplomacia feminina; , história cultural diplomática;, banquetes políticos


This article aims to present a preliminary study on the importance of banquets, dinners, and receptions as a setting for unofficial female diplomatic activity, revealing the exchange between Europe and the Americas in the 19th and early 20th centuries. We analyzed authors who dedicated both to investigating the culture of the salons and to establish a rapprochement between the experience of diplomacy and the female profiles who worked there. The methodology of qualitative and bibliographical research, combined with research into primary and periodical sources, allowed us to collect and analyze news about these meetings, as well as the autobiographical publications of two US ambassadors: Edith O’Shaughnessy and Madame Hegermann-Lindencrone. Finally, we learned that women’s participation in the public sphere can be found between the lines of history, behind the scenes of the art of diplomacy, aiming to strengthen ideological ties, bringing states closer together and promoting cultural exchange between nations


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How to Cite

Vicente, M. (2024). Between salons and banquets: intercontinental experiences of female diplomacy (1850 - 1917). Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 24(37), 15–37.