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The battle between freedom and tyranny: Cuban Revolution, guerrilla warfare and the development of the American Counterinsurgency Doctrine in the 1960s


  • Pâmela de Almeida Resende USP



United States, Latin America, Cuban revolution, Guerrilla warfare, Counterinsurgency


The main objective of this article is to analyze the construction and development of policies produced under the United States government for Latin America, especially from the decade of 1960. This choice is justified by the interest in understanding the actions developed to combat the guerrilla movements that were active in Latin American countries, in addition to the influence of the Cuban revolution in this process. The creation of external aid programs, highlighting the Alliance for Progress, coupled with the development of the counterinsurgency doctrine both in the government of John F. Kennedy, seems to us to be instrumental in understanding the strategies adopted by the United States in its policy of containment of communist advancement in the region.


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How to Cite

de Almeida Resende, P. . (2020). The battle between freedom and tyranny: Cuban Revolution, guerrilla warfare and the development of the American Counterinsurgency Doctrine in the 1960s. Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 20(29), 318–343.